Christian Longevity Coaching for Women 50+


Get clear on where you are and where you would like to be.

For the Christian woman over fifty

Do you find you are still struggling with the same issues you’ve struggled with for years? Do you look at your life and wonder what happened to your dreams? Do you feel you have not fulfilled your purpose? Or maybe you realize that you’ve been focused on just surviving while years of your life have passed by.

In this last third, when all your life experience and all the Lord has invested in you should come to fruition, do you feel like you are falling short? Do you feel hindered in living life to the fullest?

Beloved sister, it doesn’t have to be that way.

My name is Elspeth MacCormick and I’m a Christian whole person health and longevity coach for women. It is my heart to see each of my sisters reach their full potential and fulfill their life purpose for the Lord.

The Lord has been preparing you for over fifty years through life experience, character-building, and wisdom that only comes with age. In this last third of your life, you are the most useful to the Lord and should be living at the height of your fruitfulness.

Why do so many mature Christian women believe that their value and usefulness have diminished when the opposite is true? Sometimes we become comfortable living a mediocre life. We fear the unknown and don’t want to risk stepping out of our comfort zone. Many in the church and the culture treat us as less valuable, even invisible, so we see ourselves that way. We allow ourselves to become distracted with other things and forget about the dreams God put in our hearts.

Dear Sister, you only have one life to live. You are now in the last third of it. You are the culmination of fifty-plus years of Jesus’s investment in your life. Don’t waste any more time. I know it can be scary, but you cannot put off stepping into your calling. It’s time to live in your ultimate fruitfulness−what I call “summiting.” With a coach, you can breakthrough what has been holding you back and reach your summit.

As your coach, I will help you take steps toward reaching your goals and help you overcome challenges along the way. We will seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in discovering God’s unique plan and path for you.


Together we will design action steps toward your specific goals to reach the summit in your physical, emotional, behavioral, socioeconomic, and spiritual well-being.

Your journey to the summit will be one of self-discovery and awareness and you will be encouraged and empowered as you gain new insights and mindsets and celebrate all the successes along the way.


I’m Ellie, and I have a passion for seeing others live life to the fullest.


Coaching is the bridge from where you are to where you want to be.


Have questions about coaching with me? Just reach out.


Most of us will not move forward without a partner helping us.

  • Whatever goals you have or journey to travel, a coach will help you reach your destination.
  • Coaches help you go farther and faster.
  • Most of us need accountability and encouragement to move forward. A coach helps you keep going when you might have quit on your own.
  • Coaching is a powerful process that evokes discovery and awareness in the client.
  • Coaching brings about life breakthroughs the client may not have experienced on their own.

The business world has employed coaching for many years. Businesspeople know that the best and quickest way to reach their goals and achieve success is with a coach. The same is true for all of us. How much more important is it for us to be a success at life, to be good stewards of the life the Lord has given us? We want to be a beautiful life testimony to our family and others that glorifies God. And we want to hear Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Schedule a Call

Let’s spend some time together to explore how coaching can get you where you want to be. The call is free!