“ I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.“
John 10:10 (NKJV)
I am a Certified Professional Life Coach with certification in trauma-informed care.
God created each of us with specific gifts and callings. Yet many of us get bogged down with the cares of life that we never fully pursue God’s plan for us. We often settle for the status quo instead of living an abundant life!
I have the privilege of coaching Christian women as they journey up the mountain of God’s vision and calling for their lives.
As your coach, I will come alongside you as you learn about yourself, overcome obstacles, and begin to fulfill God’s unique calling for you.
I encourage you to pursue the life God designed you to live. Don’t waste it.
If you have any questions about coaching with me, feel free to contact me here. Every journey begins with one step.

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Let’s spend some time together to explore how coaching can get you where you want to be. The call is free!